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Local Development Environment Setup For Mac

There are many ways to get Drupal running on your Mac. OS X comes preinstalled with PHP and Apache, so theoretically, you'd only need MySQL. Acquia makes a separate version that includes Drupal, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (aka DAMP) already set up.


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This version is great if you really want to get up and running quickly. It's tied to the Acquia distribution of Drupal which has some extra features that we don't tend to use for our development. What I've found a reasonable compromise has been to use MAMP (a Mac application that provides - Apache, MySQL, PHP) and customize my own Drupal installation. This allows me to approximate our dev/production systems reasonably closely. Download MAMP You don't need the PRO version, but the way MAMP works is to download this one and then not choose the PRO setup. Once installed, I make the following changes to the system right away: In the preferences:.

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Start and stop the applications on open/quit. don't have MAMP 'Open the start page at startup'. set Apache to port 80. set PHP to 5.2.16 (or whatever matches current dev/prod php). set Apache doc root to /Users/yourusername/Sites/ (mine is set to '/Users/erikp/Sites/') When setting Apache to port 80, you'll need to provide an admin user/password to use a port below 1024, but it's worth it not to have to add:8888 to all of your URLs.

I, personally, chose not to open the MAMP start page because I'm not using the MAMP version of PHPMyAdmin, so there are no MAMP UI tools that I use. I use to manage all of my MySQL servers and databases. Now you should be able to visit and see the Apple 'Your website' page which is from /Users/yourusername/Sites/index.html To be able to run mysql and mysqladmin from the command-line without having to specify their full paths within the Applications/MAMP directory, open the.bashprofile file in your home directory. If you don't have a.bashprofile, you can open TextEdit and paste the following into the window and then saving as.bashprofile.

If you do have a.bashprofile and need to open it in TextEdit, try opening Terminal from the Utilities folder and typing open -a TextEdit /.bashprofile Once the file is open, you should copy in the following. Export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.2/bin:/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin:$PATH This will allow you to run Drush commands which need command line PHP and mysql applications which are in /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/. We'll be editing the.bashprofile again, so remember how to get to it. Download Drush The current version can always be found at You don't need to get a Drupal core version specific, the latest Drush will always work with all Drupal versions.

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Move the unpacked drush directory either somewhere in your $PATH or add it to your $PATH. I moved drush into /.drush.

$./drush Execute a drush command. Run `drush help command` to view command-specific help. Run `drush topic` to read even more documentation. Global options (see `drush topic core-global-options` for the full list): -r, -root= Drupal root directory to use (default: current directory) -l URI of the drupal site to use (only needed in multisite environments) -uri=Download Drupal So great, drush works, now we need to use it to get a copy of the Drupal code.

$ sudo / Applications / Install OS X Yosemite.app / Contents / Resources / createinstallmedia - volume / Volumes / Untitled - applicationpath / Applications / Install OS X Yosemite.app - nointeraction You need at least 8GB of space. You can read post on Mashable to do it step by step. In this post, I will explain how to setup web development environment on OSX Yosemite. The tools include. Xcode + Command Line Tools. Git. HomeBrew.

Cask for HomeBrew. Atom. RubyGems with RVM. NodeJS.

Docker. Vagrant Now Let’s get started with that Xcode Now that we got fresh version of OSX Yosmite installed. We can get Xcode from the Apple Store. Just sign in with your Apple ID and Download Xcode from the Apple Store. It will take some time and space to get it installed.

Local Development Environment Setup For Mac

It will be Xcode version 6.1.1 which is latest at the moment. Xcode will give you Git as a bonus. Now in order to install command line tools for the Xcode we need to run following command.